The Other Washington

Anyone who has lived in Washington has at some point corrected someone -“I’m from WASHINGTON, not DC” and Erin loves to refer to the East Coast as the Wrong Coast.

But, things are about to change.

Erin has accepted a job with the National Gallery of Art in DC. We know, we know…last time we were moving to the other Washington, and it never happened. But, this time the moves makes more sense. There are lots of Federal opportunities for Erin, and a lot more opportunity for me, including jobs where there are opportunities for travel, but based in the states. That would be the best compromise for both of us – Erin stays Federal, and I can still travel.

My plan is still to be in Turkey this next year to get more university-level EFL teaching experience. Dates are still unclear as I am still waiting, waiting, waiting. I turned down the two-year contract at Bilkent because it was a long time for Erin to also commit to being in Turkey with limited opportunities for her to work. Instead, I accepted a one-year contract at the university where I was before – and that is where the waiting game started.

I have come to the conclusion that this year has been good for character building (mainly building my patience) but, this year has also shown me that I picked the profession that I am most passionate about, as even through all this waiting I know that career wise I am making the BEST decision for me and my interests, and beliefs about the world.

Feel free to ask questions about any details we have left out. As it stands now, Erin’s last day at NPS will be November 3rd, and her first day at the National Gallery will be November 18th. Everything else is still being worked out. We will keep you posted as details unfold. Please understand that this decision was not made lightly and that the bottom line is we feel like it makes the most sense for us and are really excited!

On an unrelated note, check out these amazing fruits and veggies Erin picked up at a local fruit stand! 7 avocados for 1$ and the same for kiwis. We also got yummy super sweet strawberries,  red and yellow grape tomatoes, and brussel sprouts (those are just for me)!

(You may also note our “inappropriate dishware collection” in the background – Arab man and woman salt and pepper shakers purchased in Qatar, and a gollywog mug ordered off eBay from England)

For Erin’s family – we will see you this weekend at Gena’s wedding, and for my family – see you next week in England! 🙂

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