Paso Robles Olive Festival

Erin and I only have one day a week off together, and so we usually try and get out and do something every Saturday. This past weekend we went to the Olive Festival in Paso Robles. Paso is about two hours south of Monterey, and is another fantastic wine region in CA. Apparently, they also grow olives! It was 102 degrees.

Erin was especially excited about the festival because she has started to volunteer with WWOOFER – Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms.  She has started volunteering on a farm near Hollister that produces  olive oil, among other things. She has some great pictures of her first few times there, and as soon as I get them from her, I will post them up!

But, in the meantime, here are a few shots of the Olive Festival:

Don’t worry, we found the wine!

Crazy Eyes, and Red Face at the Festival

After the festival we checked out Grizzly Nation, a local winery. They had an awesome Rose and a Grenache that was a result of wild fires in northern CA back in 2009. Sound like a disaster? The result is a really nice smokey flavor that will never be reproduced.

Finally, we ended up at Roberts Restaurant and Bar for dinner before heading home to Monterey.

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