Garlic Festival!

Two weekends ago, Erin and I headed to the Garlic Festival! Erin had been a few years back, but I had to work, and so this was my first time.  The sun was out – it was hot, and there was a lot of garlic! We went with a couple we met a few months ago, and have been becoming friends with.

Most of you have heard us talk about Satori – our favorite local winery. Well, Erin and Esther discovered them last time they went to the Garlic Festival in 2010. We have been wine club members, and avid Satori wine drinkers since 🙂 They also had a booth at the festival this year, and so we spent some time drinking free samples and chatting with friends!

Another of the wineries at the festival served up a garlic wine. While it was certainly appropriate and festive for the occasion – it was GROSS!

Not that you were worried, but we did eat. Erin pre=purchased food tickets for a combo platter. This way we were able to try a variety of garlictastic foods!

The Garlic Torch!

garlic marinated mushrooms, scampi with garlic, garlic bread, and a garlic sausage sandwich!

Getting her eat on! Erin had a different combo with garlic pesto pasta, a tri-tip sandwich, calamari in garlic marinara, and also garlic bread. 

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