Weekend Wrap Up

This past weekend we took a trip to Seattle for my ten year high school reunion. Erin met Rogan for the first time, and on Saturday we had a family lunch. I have so many pictures I want to post from the weekend, but I am working on this during a lunch break at work, and don’t have all of the pictures at my reach. So, I’ll have to post the family lunch pictures at a later time.

In the meantime…

Friday was the day that didn’t work. Every step forward was met with two steps back. It started with me arriving 20 minutes late to my hair appointment because of an accident on the freeway. I was able to reschedule my appointment for later in the afternoon, and we ran off to see Scott, Holly, and Rogan. As we were getting ready to leave, a van backed up into our rental car. There wasn’t a lot of damage, just a little scratch. But, this should have been viewed as a premonition!

We spent a nice hour with baby Rogan and then took off to grab some lunch before my hair appointment. The plan was also to leave right from the hair appointment to my reunion. On our way back, I got pulled over for speeding. I didn’t get a ticket (thankfully) but, Erin had to eat her words. She has been quoted as saying in the past “the words Rachel Cleary got pulled over for speeding will never be said”. I always drive the speed limit – as annoying as that is to my passengers. But, apparently on this particular day I was going quite fast.  Just another sign that this day was doomed from minute one!

Hi, there!

My neck is getting so strong!

Great Grandma 🙂

Ok, enough with the paparazzi. I have gas!

We got some lunch at Taco Time (my favorite Mexican fast food in WA) and left with extra time to make it to my appointment, and took  I-405 to avoid I-5 (for non-Washingtonions I-5 goes through Seaettle directly, and so traffic is usually miserable, whereas I-405 goes around the city, so the traffic is usually somewhat lighter) But, on this particular day there had been a serious accident and I MISSED MY SECOND HAIR APPOINTMENT! Twice in one day – because of traffic. I was totally embarrassed – and I am sure the hair place thinks I am just bad at time management. But, seriously. Two accidents on two highways. I really wasn’t meant to get my hair done.

But, to keep things in perspective,  two people were killed in the latter accident, which involved a car fire. So, missing a hair appointment really doesn’t matter in the least in the scheme of things.

We drudged back to my grandma’s to get ready for my reunion. We amazingly made it to my reunion and had, well, a mediocre time. A good friend of mine was on the planning committee and so  I went primarily to support her. Most of my friends from high school elected not to go, and so I didn’t have the opportunity to catch up with anyone that I really wanted to see. There were about 6 people there I would have loved to have seen, but not a single one of them went. It was disappointing and just kind of put the cherry on the bad day sundae.

Thankfully the day ended, and Saturday was much better. I have some wonderful pictures from our lunch that I will post later. But, I will end this post with my favorite part of the entire weekend: relaxing in the sun on my grandma’s back deck. I wasn’t stuck in traffic, no one needed anything. I was just relaxing, soaking up the sun, and reading. Ahhhhhh!

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