Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend was a huge improvement from last. Erin and I only have one day a week off together, and so we like to get the most out of it as possible! Yesterday we started out the day going to a luncheon for a women’s group we’ve been a part of this past year, and then stopped off at Satori to pick up our wine shipment. We spent the evening with friends from grad school who have just returned from Peace Corps, as well. It was such a fun evening. I must have really needed to get out!

I am spending today mostly relaxing, cleaning and getting ready for the week while Erin is at work. I always feel better when the weeks starts off with a clean house, and fresh sheets. The weather is amazing today, and seems like the fog may stay away, so I’ll have to go out for a run before it changes. September and October are usually pretty nice in Monterey – I’m hoping that this sunshine is here to stay for at least a few weeks!

The most quiet and calm we’ve seen satori in a while.

Tasting Satori’s first Pinot Noir

After a brief tasting at Satori we headed to Pebble Beach for a fun evening with friends old and new. After dinner, we took a susnet walk to the beach. We made it just before it got too dark to enjoy.

I really appreciate this weekend. The relaxing and enjoyment brought relief from what has otherwise been a stressful time of waiting, planning, and indecision. I feel calmer than I have in months. What a good feeling!

Next Sunday is Gena and Andy’s wedding – and the following Tuesday we leave for ten days in England. I haven’t been to England in about six years, and Erin has never been. I am looking forward to enjoying a little Autumn in Lake District and showing Erin where my Dad was born, and the places I went growing up.

But for now, back to relaxing!

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