Vermont Day 3: Composting, Cabot, and the Family Von Trapp


Saturday, Erin made me wake up early again. Another beautiful warm and sunny day, we were out the door by about 8:30. Our first stop was Gardener’s Supply Company, for which we receive a catalog, and only learned recently is Vermont owned. We have decided to start composting here in DC and used a 20% off coupon from the Buy Local book to purchase our first composter. I plan to get it set up later this week – and will be sure to keep you updated on our new adventures in composting!



After we got the composter loaded into the car we headed east to the Cabot cheese factory. After the tour we tasted some different cheddar cheeses including habenero, horseradish (my new favorite!!), and Tuscan. We bought some cheese and crackers, stopped at the store for a few more treats, then headed out for a picnic.



After picnicking, and stopping to try some fruit wines in Waterbury, we headed to Stowe to see the Trapp Family Lodge. The lodge is owned by the Von Trap Family (think Julie Andrews and Von Trapp Family Singers…) I’m embarrassed to admit that I did not realize that The Sound of Music was based on a true story until this week. I learned all about it in the history tour and lecture. Interesting story and legacy for sure. For those of you who are not familiar – check out The Trapp Family Lodge here.

Next, we couldn’t miss Ben and Jerry’s! The tour at the Trapp Family lodge lasted a bit longer than we expected and we slid in just ten minutes before closing, missing the last tour, and only knocking a few small children out of the way to get ice cream 😉



Finally, we hit up the Alchemist, a very small brewery in which produces only one beer – a double IPA. It was amazing! Sadly, they were completely sold out of beer and don’t ship outside Vermont. So,1 small taste has to suffice until we can make it back again.


To round off the evening we had a couple of drinks at a bar down the street from our Inn to relax and plan out Sunday, our final day in Vermont.


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