The Weekend that Wasn’t

Well, last weekend was Labor Day. Not that it was noticed around our house at all. Erin works on Sundays and Mondays usually – and I worked 20 hours of overtime during the course of the weekend on a project deadline that has come and past more than a week ago at this point. Working all weekend, in addition to 10 hour days almost everyday for the past two weeks has me feeling pretty worn out, and frustrated. I’m certainly not in my prime this week! 🙂

Sunday afternoon at work: Overtime hour 17

We did manage to have a date night Saturday night and went to our favorite Mexicali restaurant Peppers in Pacific Grove and then on to see The Odd Life of Timothy Greene at Lighthouse Theatres, which is a very small theater also in Pacific Grove. There is never less than a half hour wait at Pepper’s – it doesn’t matter what day of the week. It’s pretty small, but the food is so excellent!

Well, there was some relaxing that took place at our house this weekend:

The other thing that happened this weekend was that I sold my car.  This is a step in preparation for my (more than likely, although this year has been quite the lesson in patience and flexibility for me) impending move to Turkey.

Goodbye! I will miss you! Thanks for a wonderful 2.5 years!

I don’t generally become attached to things. I have always had a “pick up and go” lifestyle – it fits my gypsy soul. But, I felt a twang of sadness as I handed over the keys to the new owner and watched her drive away. I some how felt like I was betraying my car. Perhaps this is how hoarders feel when they take out the trash? In any case, I know the new owner will take good care of the car, and it was a “pay it forward” kind of deal. I sold my car to a fellow Monterey Institute student who has just returned from Peace Corps Malawi. I have a double connection with her, and I would much rather sell my car to her, then back to the dealership as otherwise planned.

I remember when I got the car. Erin came with me to sign the papers and then went to eat at Jose’s Mexican Restaurant. A few days later when my dad and brother were in town visiting we all went to the dealership to pick it. It had been driven in from Santa Cruz by the car salesman. I had not initially wanted a white car (my first car was also white, and I wanted a change) but with my other options being red or blue, this was the best fit for me.

So, with that, I bid farewell to a wonderful car…and Erin and the kitties would like to say:


(note the confused look on Dora’s face)

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