Rachel’s New Job!

As you know, I am currently working in Ankara, Turkey for the summer. I am instructing English 101 and English 201 at TOBB University of Economics and Technology. Starting in two weeks I  will be instructing summer school courses for those unlucky students who don’t pass this semester!

I am currently sitting in my room looking out the window as a summer thunder and lightning storm is rushing in – you know the cool lightning storms that shoot streaks of light through the sky? I love it! Anyway, I figured now would be a good time to post some pictures of the school and area where I am.

Erin will be arriving in Turkey 3 weeks from tomorrow! I am counting down the days 🙂

Department of Foreign Languages at TOBB University

a pedestrian bridge between my housing and the university

I live in the building on the left, on the 12th floor – beautiful views of the city!

a view from my room!

I will post more pictures soon – I had a great time last weekend being a tourist, and meeting up with the other American at my school – so stayed tuned 🙂

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