Last Stop: Victoria, B.C.

We spent the last night of our trip in Victoria, British Columbia. Growing up in Seattle, I was able to get up to B.C. somewhat regularly, but I haven’t been there in years. We were only there for a quick stop, and the weather was pretty dismal. Still, it is a really beautiful city, and has a European feel – so it was a nice end to a wonderful trip.

The main attraction in Victoria is the Butchart Gardens, but the weather made exploring an outside garden unappealing. Even the tour guides suggested skipping the gardens. In any case, we enjoyed a little walk around the city and got some pretty views before heading back to the boat.

The Parliament and Legislative Buildings

The Empress Hotel.   Well known for it’s very expensive High Tea. We just walked around the beautiful and expansive hotel grounds instead.

Look, the baby is spraying 🙂

As we were walking around we found a woman who offered to take our picture. Apparently she hasn’t used a camera before, so holding the button down long enough the get the picture was complicated. Here are the results:

Here, I’ll show you.

In unison now “hooooold down the button!”

So, no picture.  Well, actually two pictures. Haha.

Our walk back to the boat took us through a pretty park. It started to rain at this point, but it was still a nice stroll.

Luckily, we were able to get Erin’s picture with the Victoria Police motorcycle. Actually, as we were taking the picture the police officer came back to his car. He was really friendly, and even offered to turn on the lights and let Erin sit on the bike, but we were drippy at this point, and eager to be back on the boat.

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