Inauguration Ready!

Washington DC is on excited lock down! Loads of tourists in town, and loads of police securing the area. Yesterday I met a friend for lunch and a movie before meeting Erin after work. I had a little time to wait before Erin could meet me, so I walked around the Mall looking at rows of “porta potties” and roped off viewing areas. There were loads of people selling random Obama swag – including Obama heads that looked like over sized pencil erasers.

Showing support and patriotism



Even the Canadian Embassy got in on the festivities



and in case you were worried there would be no where to use the bathroom, the city is literally covered with porta potties!




Tomorrow morning Erin and I are planning to head out to the Mall around 6:30am to get a spot. The swearing-in ceremony will be at around 11:30am and we will view it from one of the megatrons being set up. Afterwards we will have to make our way back through the chaos to Dulles airport for a last minute work trip I have to take to Doha.

I am headed out to go shopping for a few things this morning, and then packing tonight to be airport ready when we head out in the morning. It’s going to be a crazy day – but, I am excited!

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