Hump Day!

There is so much going on – it’s a day by day kind of life right now. Currently most pressing (and very exciting!) is our trip to England next week!

We took some time yesterday to celebrate Erin’s friend Rey’s birthday at a local hibachi grill. I will say that I was a little disappointed because the other family seated at our table knew the chef – and so we were all but ignored. The food was still delicious, but I don’t think we’ll go back again.

Erin and Rey are friends from work. Everyone jokes that they look alike – they even call themselves the Wonder Twins because they also both like comics, and that would be the name of their comic, if one were written about their lives. Wishful thinking on their part… 😉

Rey blowing out the candle on his personal pineapple boat

…and then setting it on fire.

Now, it’s back to work…

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