Holy Cats!

We have too many cats. We don’t deny this. But, after all this time we realized that we hadn’t introduced the rest of our little family. So, here they are: our Four Fluffy Felines.


Dora is fluffy. Very very fluffy. She enjoys eating people food and shooting fur puffs into the air. Her favorite foods include carnitas, pizza crust, and tortilla chips.


Diego, AKA “Bubba” is the trouble maker of the family. Bubba was nick-named “travesio” (spelling??) by Erin’s Mom because of his ability to always get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.









The foreigner, Sherpa made the trek to America from Jordan. She is a sweet kitty at heart but comes across as a bit of a bully. She loves being up high, chasing elusive hair ties, and sitting in people’s laps.


The newest addition to our family, “Money Bags” or “Space Kitty”  is forever at the vet with some unusual medical condition. He wins over hearts with his sweet disposition.  All he wants out of life is to love and be loved.

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