Greetings from Erin and Rachel, and Welcome to our New Site!

Welcome! We will using this site to update family and friends about the happenings in our lives! 2011 has proven to be a pretty crazy time with lots of transitions and new adventures -so we decided to start a blog about our lives together! We will try and update everyone regularly, and keep it interesting with pictures 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

May started with Erin’s graduation from the Department of Defense police academy in San Diego. The academy was nine weeks long, and Erin was basically re-trained to do the same job as a civilian as she had when she was in the Navy. I flew down from Monterey for the graduation. We spend the rest of the day with Erin’s parents at a resort and then drove up the coast to get back home, stopping at a winery of course!

Wine tasting at Roblar near Santa Barbara. They have really tasty (although expensive) Spanish style wines!

At the end of May I graduated from the Monterey Institute – officially ending my long and painful grad school life! The Peace Corps director was the commencement speaker, and our beloved congressman Sam Farr was also in attendance!

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