Getting Caught Up

I’ve been doing a terrible job of keeping up these last couple of weeks. With my new position at work, I’ve been working longer, busier hours, and we have been burning the candle at both ends getting ready for the move.


Selling our stuff!

I have been in Seattle this weekend and will post a few pictures of that soon. But, I thought it would be good to get caught up on the past few weeks first.

Several weekends ago, my friend Heather came into town from Seattle for the weekend. Heather and I met in our 7th grade English class, and have now been friends for over half our lives 🙂 She had never been to San Francisco, and so we headed up there for a day! She was in luck as we had amazing weather.

I also made English breakfast!

Last weekend Esther and Marty came into town. So, of course, we headed out for some wine tasting. We brought Esther and Marty to a local Monterey winery we discovered earlier this year that we are really fond of called Pierce. Delicious Spanish style wines. A couple of other places we checked out were either closed, or in the process of moving locations, and Esther wasn’t feeling well so we spent the rest of the day at the house watching the Giants kick butt in the World Series.


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