Erin Meets Kathy Griffin! Laughter and wine follow.

This past Saturday Erin headed to see Kathy Griffin with some free tickets she scored from the Veteran Tickets Foundation. They are a not-for-profit that provides free tickets to popular events for military members and veterans. Kathy Griffin is a big supporter of the military and often donates tickets to military members and veterans. 

Her two free tickets included a backstage “meet and greet” before the show. Erin reported that Kathy was very friendly, and seemed genuine when asking Erin about her service. To make the evening even better, the event was held at a winery – so Erin and our friend Christina were able to wine it up before the show!

Here are some pictures of the evening!



Hugs for Erin!


Apparently, Kathy even dropped her pants for a joke about “pajama jeans”


Kathy Griffin was on her Gurrl Down! tour and was challenged by one of her friends that she couldn’t get away with doing a show wearing Pajama Jeans. As you can see from the photo she most certainly did wear them and she proved how easy they are to take off! 

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