England Part IV

Finally!! I am getting around to blogging. Most of you know the craziness/excitement that has been the last week. But, as soon as I can wrap up our England posts, I will get our new home posted, and give you an update on my work plans!

But…now, back to the English Lakes! 🙂

Sunday we headed to Kirkby Lonsdale for lunch with some family friends. They own a farm and the house on the property was a hospital in the 1800’s. The “Hospital Rules” are still in the entry way! We got a ride into the town, and then enjoyed a beautiful walk back.

Hospital Rules

Devil’s Bridge

Monday we headed out of Kendal to explore some of the other areas in the Lake District. This day was terrible weather wise, but we managed to have a good day anyway! We started out in Windemere, took a walk to Bowness, and then took a boat ride to Ambleside.

Lake Windemere

But, I do think it’s necessary to reiterate just how wet it was…

Some highlights of today were the Bridge House in Ambleside and William Woodsworth house.

And a few more for good measure…

Couldn’t pass this up

By the time we got home, we were SOAKED through! We settled in for a dinner at the B&B and then to our room for an early night! The next morning we headed back to London…

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